"Beloved, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have boldness before God; and we receive from him whatever we ask, because we obey his commandments and do what pleases him."
1 John 3:21-22
Have you ever wonder why it seemed like God answers everyone else's prayers except yours? Verse 22 shed some lights on this difficult question to answer.
What the clue provides by verse 21 is that because our hearts will not condemn us, we have the boldness before God. Previously in verses 17-20, the Apostel John says that people who agapao (that is, the Greek for unconditional love) others will not be condemned. Today's passage tells us to unconditionally and actively love others is indeed one of God's commands and is something that pleases Him.
However, a person will not have the capacity to agapao others—not continually forever. That is why we need to always pray for the capacity to agapao. The prayers that God always answers are the ones asked according to His commands and those that pleases Him because He is the sovereign one. He IS the Lord.
One may ask, what about the things I want? It depends on the subjects where your desire rests. If it were for something that pleases God, according to His Words, He would answer, just do not expect Him to answer it your way. Remember to let God be God. He knows where your best interests are and how to get there. If what you are asking is only for a selfish purpose, He may or may not answer. This is according to the teaching of James 4:2-3.
Please share with your devotional partner one experience of God answered prayer. What was it? How did God answer it? Then pray that God will increase your capacity to love others.