Dear Bridge Builders,
As many of you will have heard yesterday, in response to the developing situation with Coronavirus (COVID-19), B.C. health officials put a ban in place for gatherings of over 250 people. ECBC’s Pastors, Elders and Deacons have prayerfully decided to follow their recommendations and are committed to maintaining the health and safety of our church family and the broader B.C. community. Therefore, effective March 15th and until further notice we will not gather in-person for Sunday worship at our church building. Please be assured that we have already been carefully following the B.C. government recommendations and have been sanitizing our church building since Covid-19 became a concern.
It is our hope and prayer that this situation will not continue long and we will once again be able to be together as God’s local expression of His church. Please join us in prayer that we will be able to gather on or before April 12th Easter Sunday. Easter is such an important time to remember and celebrate the amazing grace of God and the wonderful gift of our Saviour. We will update you as the Covid-19 virus situation develops.
What does this mean going forward? How do I stay connected?
ECBC Church is still a church even though our building is closed for public worship! We are working hard to video-record and eventually live stream our Sunday services.
Attend Church Online:
Time: Sunday @ 10:55 AM
You can also catch-up on many of our past messages on our website under Sermons.
What about other events?
PLEASE CONTACT YOUR FELLOWSHIP AND GROUP LEADERS for the latest updates concerning your fellowship events. These include:
The Bridge Fellowship: Please contact your group leader or check the facebook page:
Young Family Group: Please contact Rev. Sunday Wu (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or facebook group page:
Single Parents Afternoon Tea: Please contact Rev. Sunday Wu (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
We encourage group members to stay connected and communicate with one another. You may also consider using Zoom Video Communications ( or any other online audio/video conferencing to pray for each other and study the Bible together. Please remain connected with your small group leader and Spiritual Companion Group members as often as possible. If you don’t have a group, please contact Rev. Sunday Wu.
How Can I Help?
Christian Community is very important and this is no less true at this very unusual circumstance. We want to continue to strengthen the community during this time!
Pray. Pray for our nation’s leaders, health officials and church leaders that they will lead with God’s wisdom. In Ephesians 6:18 we are invited to, “pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”
Care for our neighbours. As salt and light in the world let us care for our neighbours, with the hope that we have in Christ.
For those who are wondering how to worship through tithes and offerings there are online giving options (Please check
We Are Here to Help You
Our church office will remain open! We understand this can be an unsettling time for many. If we can pray with you and support you in any way, please don’t hesitate to contact Rev. Sunday at (604.438.3222 Ext. 212) and/or email our pastoral staff.
To continue receiving updates, please constantly visit our website and connect with your fellowship leaders.
Anyone concerned that they may have been exposed to, or are experiencing symptoms of the coronavirus, should contact their primary care provider, local public health office, or call 8-1-1. Also, the Public Health Agency of Canada has set up a 2019 novel coronavirus telephone information line at: 1-833-784-4397.
For more information and latest updates on COVID-19, follow the BC Centre for Disease Control on Twitter @CDCofBC or visit the website:
A Message From Our Pastors
The promises in God’s Word are incredible sources of comfort in all situations and especially in times like these. Psalm 91 begins with these words, “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” (Psalm 91:1,2)
God is indeed our fortress in whom we can trust. Draw close to the Lord for He is your strength and your comfort.
May the peace of God be with you all.
Your Pastors
各位想必已經從新聞媒體得知因為新冠肺炎的流行,B. C. 省衛生局宣布禁止超過 250 人以上的大型聚會。請放心,教會早已悉心按照省政府的建議,經常性的消毒各項公共設施。聖道堂的牧者、長老、執事們經過禱告及討論後,決定依規定執行,以保護眾弟兄姊妹的平安及健康。我們將自 3 月 15 日主日,直到另行通知為止,改為網路視訊主日崇拜。
我們的禱告是,疫情不會持續太久,乃至我們可以很快再一次聚集在神所設立的這個地方教會聚會。我們衷心的盼望能在 4 月 12 日復活節時一起聚會,因為復活節是紀念神奇妙的恩典,以及耶穌基督這個最好的禮物的日子。所以我們邀請你們與我們一起祈求神的恩典。我們會繼續通知大家。
時間:每主日上午 10:55 分
The Bridge 團契:請聯繫小組長,或關注 Facebook 頁面:
Young Family Group: 請聯繫吳牧師,或關注
單親下午茶:請聯繫吳牧師 (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
我們鼓勵各組員相互保持聯繫。可以使用 、 Google hangouts 或其他視訊會議機制一起查經及禱告。請盡量常常和你的小組長及靈修小組互動。如果你還不知道自己的小組,請與吳牧師聯繫。
讓我們同心禱告。為國家領導人、衛生官員及教會的領袖禱告,讓他們以神的智慧來施行領導。以弗所書 6:18 邀請我們「靠著聖靈,隨時多方禱告祈求,並要在此警醒不倦,為眾聖徒祈求。」
繼續用奉獻敬拜神。請使用 上面的網路奉獻機制來奉獻。
教會的辦公室照常開放!我們知道對一些人來說,現在是個很不安的時期。如果你需要代禱,或其他任何協助,請聯繫吳牧師(604.438.3222 轉 212)不需要客氣或感到不好意思。也可以電子郵件聯繫任何的牧師、傳道。
如果您懷疑自己可能接觸新冠肺炎病毒,或有疑似症狀,請聯繫家庭醫生、地方的公共衛生機構,或撥打 8-1-1。加拿大公共衛生管理局也設立了一個 2019 新冠肺炎的信息熱線:1-833-784-4397。
若需要更多有關新冠肺炎的最新消息,請追蹤 BC 中央疾病管制局的官方推特:@CDCofBC 或官網:
神話語中的應許是我們在各樣景況,特別是現今這樣的時刻中,最大的安慰。詩篇 91 篇的頭兩節說:「住在至高者隱密處的,必住在全能者的蔭下。 我要論到耶和華說:『他是我的避難所,是我的山寨,是我的神,是我所倚靠的。』」(和合本)