
How much do you think you can offer to God—the owner of the entire created world, and make Him happy? Does God even care what I give? I was wondering about these things until this mission trip.

The primary object of this mission trip was to help out the last two weeks of a 3-week Vacation Bible School (VBS) in Taitung for special needs children and children with endangered families. The camp only charges each child around $2 Canadian per-day. In other words, for the entire 3-week camp, parents only need to pay $30 for each child, and the fee covers snacks, lunches, and materials. Despite such a low costs, some parents still had a problem paying the fees, so the camp needed to find ways to cover for them. To show their gratitudes, some parents would bring the produce they harvested for us.

The photo is one of the examples. One day, a parent brought in forty kilograms of mangos. During the camp, we had endless supplies of mangos, bananas, guavas, and dragon fruits. None of the fruits were pricey, but we do treasure their giving hearts. I think it's also how God feels when we give whole heartedly. Paul urges in Romans 12: 1 "to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship." God loves our gifts. It's not about the financial value of the gifts; it's about our hearts. He treasures sincere offerings for they make Him happy.

Do you ever have a hard time giving offerings to God? Pray for one another that we will have a willing heart to offer from now on.